1. Using your MEAT! Sous Vide, preheat your water bath to 190°F.
2. Add the garlic, olive oil, thyme, chili flakes and salt to a MEAT! Vacuum Sealer Bag.
3. Use your MEAT! Vacuum Sealer to vacuum the air out and seal the bag.
4. When the water is up to temperature, add the bag to the water bath. If the bag happens to float, use a small metal pan to help keep the bag submerged. Cook for 1.5 hours.
5. After cooking, transfer the bag to a cool water bath with ice to bring down the temperature of the contents.
6. Use a slotted spoon to remove the cloves of garlic from the bag, leaving behind the oil and thyme.
7. Using clean paper towels gently pat the cloves dry. Gently coat the cloves in an even layer of sea salt then store in an airtight container.
The garlic can be stored in the freezer for up to 2 months. Use the garlic confit as a spread, in pasta dishes, salad dressings or marinades.