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What Do You Do With Your Least Favorite Cuts Of Meat

How To Use Organs And Irregular Cuts

By Dominic Trimboli

We all know the bottom of the freezer is where less appetizing cuts of meat go to hide until the end of year freezer cleanout. With New Years here MEAT! is going to help you cleanout the freezer with some awesome recipes that have so much flavor you’ll forget you’re eating your least favorite cuts. Whether you’ve got pounds of ground meat that’s close to freezer burn, organs you’re not sure what to do with or big irregular cuts from your deer harvest, the Chef’s from MEAT! are here to help you cook it!

What to do with leftover organ meat?

While organ meat can be great if prepared properly, not everyone has the patience to work with it. Here’s a handful of suggestions for what we like to do with the organs from our harvests.

Grind organs for sausage and ground meat

Organs are filled with highly nutritious vitamins like iron, B-vitamins and protein. Adding liver, tongue or heart to your next batch of ground meat will improve how good it is for you and have little to no-effect on the taste!

Make highly nutritious dog food

If you have a dog at home and love to give them a treat now and then, use your organ meat to make a special treat for your dog instead of throwing it away. Simply grind it, save it in the freezer until you’re ready to give them a treat and add it to their daily meal. Make sure not to add any seasonings, they can make your dog sick.

What to do with ground meat near freezer burn?

We’re all guilty of forgetting about the tubes of ground beef or pork at the bottom of the freezer, but not everyone knows what to do when they find it! Don’t worry, the chefs at MEAT! have a surefire way to preserve that meat and get some spicy snacks in the meantime!

Make cheesy sausages

While ground meat nearing freezer burn might not have the best flavor on its own, you can easily overpower that with cheese and spices! This recipe for Spicy Pepperjack Cheese Brats is simple to make and has tons of flavor to overcome a little freezer burn. You can also make these Smoked Cheddar Brats if you want something a little more mild.

Make snack sticks and breakfast sausage

One of the best parts about snack sticks and breakfast sausage is they have tons of seasoning that can cover the freezer burn flavor. Follow this recipe to make Caseless Breakfast Sausage links or patties, and click this link to see a video all about using a jerky gun to make snack sticks!

What to do with irregular cuts and freezer leftovers?

When you harvest your own meat or buy in bulk, every once in a while you’ll find cuts you simply don’t know what to do with. If you find beef shanks, soup bones or maybe even cheeks and tail at the bottom of the freezer, just follow these simple tips on how to get the most out of them.

Make homemade stock or broth

Making homemade stock or broth is the age-old method of getting the most out of the leftovers you normally would just throw away. Take a look at this simple sous vide recipe below. This will take the frustration out of the equation, so you can have delicious bone broth for your soups and stews.

Make sous vide stew

Stew is one of the easiest things to make with a sous vide and is great for getting the most out of the leftovers in the bottom of your freezer.

Simply chop potatoes, carrot, celery, onion and garlic and toss them into a sous vide pouch with your leftover cuts of meat.

Set the temperature to 155 degrees and allow it to cook for up to 24-hours.

Empty the contents into a large pot, add broth and bring everything to a simmer.

Season to taste and you’re finished making a homemade stew!

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