Module "editorial-hero-banner" i
Link for the anchor under the image
Text on the anchor under the image
Link for the anchor on the banner
Property support the following classes which will change the visual representation of a module.
Retina image for screens larger than 1599px (Large Desktops)
Image for screens larger than 1599px (Large Desktops)
Retina image for screens larger than 1023px (Desktops)
Image for screens larger than 1023px (Desktops)
Retina image for screens larger than 767px (Tablet)
Image for screens larger than 767px (Tablet)
Retina image for screens larger than 0px (Mobile)
Image for screens larger than 0px (Mobile)
Image for the bottom icon
Overrides default margin top. Value must be specified in pixels, without px word, only numbers eg. "30"
Overrides default margin bottom. Value must be specified in pixels, without px word, only numbers eg. "30"
One of the best feelings around Thanksgiving is watching your loved ones devour the dish you brought to share for the holidays. While it’s easy to bring a classic like sweet potato pie or a bowl of mashed potatoes, sometimes you want to shake things up a bit and try to wow your friends and family. That’s why this year the chef’s at MEAT! decided it’s time to crank out a delicious Sous Vide Mulled Wine recipe for the grownups to enjoy as everyone relaxes after dinner.
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 1-2 hours
Estimated Servings: 1 Bottle
- 1 Bottle Red Wine
- 3-5 Dried Star Anise
- 10-15 Dried Cloves
- 1-2 Sticks of Cinnamon
- 1/3 Cup of Raisins
- 1/3 Cup of Honey
- 1/3 Cup of Dried Cherries (Optional)
- 1/3 Cup of Dried Cranberries (Optional)
- 1/3 Cup of Sliced Oranges (Optional)
- MEAT! Sous Vide Cooker
- Mesh Strainer
- Glass Jar or Bottle
- Place the MEAT! Sous Vide cooker in a tall pot and fill the pot with warm water above the minimum fill line. Set the sous vide temperature to 160°F.
- Pour your bottle of wine into the appropriately sized mason jar you’ve chosen.
- You may need to use multiple jars depending on the size of the jars you’re using and the amount of fruit you use.
- Add all the ingredients we’ve listed above. Seal your container and gently shake to mix thoroughly.
- Place the container into the sous vide bath for up to 2 hours. Cook it longer if you want more intense flavor.
- Do not increase the temperature above 160°F, as alcohol will begin to break down above that limit.
- Remove the container from the bath and allow it to rest until cool enough to handle.
- Strain the mulled wine into an appropriately sized container.
- Enjoy cold, or hot and obviously keep out of the reach of children!